Opioid Addiction:

Opioid addiction is a serious problem that affects the health, social and economic welfare of all involved. It is estimated that over 2 million Americans suffer from opioid misuse.
Dr Eckburg is authorized to prescribe specifically approved Schedule III, IV or V opioid drugs for the maintenance and detoxification treatment of opioid addiction in accordance with the Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000.
$195 first visit, $100 subsequent visits.
Call to make an appointment: 815-316-8700.

Opiate addiction, or addiction to pain pills, which includes drugs such as heroin, OxyContin, Vicodin, Norco, morphine, Fentanyl, codeine, methadone, oxycodone and even buprenorphine, is a serious problem affecting the health, social and economic welfare of millions of Americans. All of these addicting drugs have the preliminary ingredient of opium. Opium comes from the seedpods of the opium poppy.
Endorphins are hormones released by the body in response to pain, but can also be triggered by various activities, including exercise, sex, and even eating certain foods. Endorphins relieve pain and induce feelings of pleasure or euphoria. When prescription opioid painkillers are abused, these drugs provide up to 100 times the normal level of endorphins that our body would normally produce. This negatively affects the cells in our brains and nerves. By flooding our system with endorphins, we become accustomed to a pleasurable sensation that we cannot produce on our own. Our body's own production of endorphins stops after prolonged exposure to large (and unnatural) levels of endorphins. This contributes to a vicious cycle, because an opioid user has no endorphins unless they use again. Users only feel happy when using the drug. In addition, users develop a tolerance to a certain dose of drug, meaning higher and higher doses of opiate are needed to achieve the same effect. After a while, most users don't even feel the positive effects of the endorphins, they use just to feel “normal” and to avoid the negative effects of withdrawal.
For most people, the only way to get ‘back to normal’ is by undergoing rehab for opiate addiction. One of the main reasons people need help stopping opioid addiction is because of the unpleasant effects of opioid withdrawal symptoms, aka dope sickness. These symptoms include physical pain, stress, depression, restlessness, even suicidal thoughts. In good programs for opioid addiction, its more than just being given medication to help with withdrawal symptoms. Good programs incorporate addiction counseling, group therapy and mentorship. While it is possible to recover from opioid addiction on your own, most people recover with the help of an opioid treatment program. Medication (buprenorphine) is not the treatment. Buprenorphine is used as a tool in the patient's recovery process. The ultimate goal is for the patient to live a happy and healthy drug free lifestyle. Here at Dr Eckburg's office, we offer a non-judgemental environment of caring, compassion and trust that is built on honesty, integrity and high ethical standards.
Dr Eckburg is board certified in Addiction Medicine and is authorized to prescribe specifically approved Schedule III, IV or V opioid drugs for the maintenance and detoxification treatment of opioid addiction in accordance with the Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000. He will conduct a thorough history and physical examination to ensure you are appropriate for an outpatient opioid treatment program. The process of transitioning to burprenorphine from opioids is discussed in great detail, and support is offered thru-out the process. Once stabilized, regular visits to the physician office are usually monthly, but may be more often depending on the need. We work with several addiction counseling centers and can refer you to the one of your choice. Addiction counseling help patients solve interpersonal conflicts, and deal with stress ,anxiety and other emotional concerns that relate to chemical dependency. Group therapy, whether community, private or church based, helps focus on strategies for maintaining sobriety, avoiding relapse, and developing a supportive environment for recovery.
Treatment, with or without assistance from medication, continues until the patient has mastered the basics of self-care and ongoing recovery.
The goal is to return the user to a healthy, active life, free from dependency on opioids.